Data logging on an SD card with Banguino (VIDEO)


In this tutorial it will be demonstrated one of the main advantages Banguino has over Arduino boards, and SD card connector. You do not need to buy anymore Arduino SD card shield to have where to log data, use Banguino for much lower price and in DTX module, not two boards.

Building Energy Meter with Banguino (VIDEO)

In this project we will demonstrate how Banguino can be used to measure energy consumption in your home, office, warehouse… Beside Banguino you only need one current sensor, two resistors and a capacitor.

How to build your own alcohol meter with Banguino (VIDEO)

Using Banguino with various projects is very easy. In this tutorial we will demonstrate you how you can build your own alcohol meter with Banguino.


How to connect Banguino and graphic display (VIDEO)

In this tutorial it will be presented how to connect Banguino and one simple graphic display.

What is Banguino? (VIDEO)

As its name already says, Banguino brings the most popular hobby and Do It Yourself development platform in the world into a single 25x25 mm chip DTX module and offers full backwards compatibility with the most used worldwide Arduino board - the model "Uno".

Element14 je izbacio novi Raspberry Pi Compute razvojni komplet

Element14 je na tržište plasirao poslednji od svojih mnogobrojnih razvojnih alata - Raspberry Pi Compute -  kako bi omogućio inženjerima elektronike da koriste prednosti Raspberry Pi mini računara za embedded aplikacije.

Šta donosi novi Raspberry Pi Model B+?

Novi Raspberry Pi Model B+ je stigao u 012LAB online prodavnicu! Šta je  to „plus“ što ovaj moćan mini računar razlikuje od Raspberry Pi Modela B?

Bežično programiranje Arduina uz pomoć Electric Imp platforme

Ovaj tutorijal će vam pokazati kako da koristite Electric Imp platformu za reprogramiranje Arduina sa veb stranice. Da, dobro ste pročitali, sada možete da reprogramirate Arduino (i Imp) odakle god poželite!

Automobil za zlatne ribice napravljen uz pomoć BeagleBoard-a (VIDEO)


Zlatne ribice sada mogu da istražuju svet i izvan akvarijuma zahvaljujući robot automobilu Riba na točkovima koji dolazi iz holandske dizajnerske prodavnice Studio diip.

012LAB slavi godinu dana uspešnog rada: Hvala što ste sa nama

Dragi naši partneri, kupci, čitaoci, učesnici naših radionica hvala što ste već godinu dana sa nama i što nam pomažete da svet "uradi sam" elektronike i robotike učinimo dostupnijim i bogatijim.


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